Congressional Candidate Josh Weil Faces Scrutiny Over Past Conduct and Allegations
Josh Weil’s professional record and controversial incidents as an educator raise serious concerns about his fitness for public office
Josh Weil, a self-claimed far-left candidate for Florida’s 6th Congressional District, faces scrutiny for past incidents during his teaching career, including confirmed misconduct involving violence against a student and documented allegations of harassment toward a colleague.
In 2015, while teaching at the Orange Youth Academy, Weil was accused of physically assaulting a middle school student by "grabbing the student by the neck, throwing him to the ground, and leaving a bruise on the student’s head." Weil admitted his actions caused the student to hit his head on the floor during the incident and he was suspended at the time for three days. Despite multiple investigations, Weil maintains that he was cleared of "wrongdoing" after the child reported that he grabbed Weil’s arm to speak to him.
"I did not do a good job, and unfortunately, he hit his head on the ground. It’s not something I’m happy about or proud of," Weil stated in an interview with Florida Politics. "A kid got hurt. I felt horrible about it. Still feel horrible about it but it was an attempt to respond appropriately and do something I wasn’t prepared for."
Weil was accused of creating a hostile work environment for a female colleague at the same school. The colleague reported that Weil "prodded" her with a stick, blocked her doorway to prevent her from leaving, and accessed her computer to set his photo as her screensaver. In a formal complaint, the colleague stated, "I am very uncomfortable with him touching me, and I am also very uncomfortable having to put my hands on him to push out of doorways." Weil denies these allegations.
After using the same account for his 2022 U.S. Senate campaign, Weil deleted all content except quote tweets. Weil claims that “only a socialist can win Florida,” and that “the great thing about socialism is that it will take care of everyone, whether you’re a Socialist, or not.”
Weil responds to a Nikki Haley tweet stating that the Democratic Party has become the socialist party by stating “If only…”
Weil claims that if elected, he will seek to end U.S. military aid to Israel and call on the Secretary of State to end Jerusalem expulsions. He also claims that South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham sleeps in the arms of a “Grindr date who’s signed an NDA.”